♪ Pa-pum ♪
The archmage Aaravos is trying to escape his magical prison.
If we can't stop them from freeing Aaravos,
we're going to need to know one thing:
How do you kill a Startouch elf?
Today, we begin our epic journey to the Great Bookery of Lux Aurea,
the greatest library in all of Xadia.
And you are hereby banished,
never to return.
We meet again.
Only this time, here I am on the other side.
I would do anything to change this.
Dragons of Xadia!
Two years ago, I sought your help
to save Azymondias, the Dragon Prince, from a terrible threat.
But now we need your help again.
Two dark mages are traveling through Xadia
trying to unleash an ancient and mysterious evil.
They escaped us, and they could be anywhere on this vast continent by now.
Great dragons, I beseech you, help us find them.
Grant us your wings, your eyes, your power.
We must search tirelessly to the very edges of Xadia.
Together we can stop them before it’s too late.
Oh, the irony is... wonderful!
You're just like your grandmother.
Would you like to know the truth of her fate before you face yours?
It was that dream again.
With my sister... and him.
That chilling voice.
The Startouch elf.
Thank you.
I know the dreams will pass. I just need a distraction.
We have wedding planning. What’s next?
Choosing our favorite forks and napkins?
All right. I think I can handle flowers.
Morning, love!
Sleeping beauty is even more ravishing awake.
- Morning. Need a break? - No, m’lady!
You just sit back, relax,
and let Terrestrius guide you smoothly down the river of dreams.
Oh, stop.
I’ll do anything to save my son.
I’ll do anything!
It’s going to be okay now.
You’re okay. That’s all that matters.
No. No!
Wait, come back!
I had to do something. I had to save him.
I had no choice!
This is... definitely no Lux Aurea.
Prince Callum! Welcome!
Oh, Commander Gren!
Oh, please, just Gren is fine here.
Amaya would have come to meet you personally, but she’s a little busy.
I’ll take you to her.
So humans and elves together in one camp.
Peaceful utopia?
Well... no.
And yes.
Things haven’t been easy, but I think the dust has settled.
And I’m sure you’ve heard the news.
News? No, we haven’t heard any news. Is there news?
Oh, I thought Amaya would have at least sent a crow.
Is it good news or bad news?
Well, I don’t really think it’s my place to say.
Gren, just tell me what’s going on.
It’s probably best if Amaya tells you herself.
Okay, we’re down to just two choices.
Sunset violets or crimson orchids?
Argh! I can’t choose.
General Amaya has gone through all the possible flowers in Xadia
and narrowed it down to just these two choices.
Now it’s up to you.
Can’t she narrow it down just one more time?
Just pick... a flower!
Aunt Amaya! What’s the big news? What happened?
Is everything okay?
Is someone getting married?
- Surprise. - Surprise.
With the way Gren was acting, I thought maybe the world was ending or something.
We apologize for not sending word, but I’m glad we got to tell you in person.
But I have to ask, what brings you here?
Oh! Uh, right!
Uh, the world, uh, the world might actually be ending.
- Surprise! - Surprise!
Daddy! Daddy, look!
I’m following in your footsteps!
Oh, no.
So that’s when Rex Igneous said that he has the knowledge
but doesn’t know it.
And I was like, "What?"
- But then I realized-- - Get to the point!
Well, I thought it was exciting.
How would you tell it?
Okay. Here goes.
Viren’s alive, and he and Claudia
are trying to release the most dangerous being
in all of Xadia, a Startouch elf called Aaravos.
I mean, it was a good summary, sure.
Wait, did you say a Startouch elf?
Yes. Aaravos, the Fallen Star.
Claudia and Viren have a map to the exact location of his prison,
and we don’t.
They could release him at any moment.
So that’s why we’re here.
We have to go to the Great Bookery of Lux Aurea
to search for the Scrolls of the First Elves
and learn everything we can about Aaravos before he returns.
Lux Aurea is fallen.
As Queen of the Sunfire Elves, I forbid you.
What would you have me do?
Where would you have me go?
give me something.
Show me that not all is lost.
What do you mean, you forbid us?
Do you want us to just sit here and help you pick out flowers
until an angry Startouch elf knocks on your door?
Queen Janai, uh, what Rayla means is...
We don’t have a lot of time,
and the bookery might have something in it that’d give us a fighting chance.
It’s the only lead we’ve got.
Nearly a year ago, we tried to reclaim Lux Aurea,
but the dark mage’s corruption was worse than we realized.
It is like a plague.
Dark magic infests the city.
What life remains there has been twisted into monstrosities.
We lost so many lives.
We know that it’s dangerous, but we don’t have a choice.
The threat may seem invisible now,
but Aaravos could come back at any moment.
We have to be ready to fight together, like before!
You don’t get it, do you?
We had to kill the infected! Our own people.
It was a nightmare!
Lux Aurea is forbidden ground.
My decision stands.
Oh, no.
Claudia, no!
Turn back!
The wave, it will swallow you up!
- Terry? - Hold on tight!
River’s getting riled up!
I don’t believe this!
We came all this way, and they treat us like children!
A few days ago, I was pacing and doing nothing in a castle.
Now I’m pacing and doing nothing in a tent!
If anything, that’s worse!
I mean, we fought together at the Storm Spire!
She saw me zap dark magic monsters!
“Oh, Rayla, the last Dragonguard,
what did you do to try and stop the Fallen Star?”
"Well, I did what the Queen told me and sat on my hands!"
- She can’t stop us. - Nobody can.
- So we’re going to Lux Aurea, right? - Too right we are.
Oh! Hey, Aunt Amaya!
Uh, we’re just, uh...
having a look around!
I thought you’d be sneaking out into danger
against the direct orders of the Queen.
Callum, you’re a terrible liar.
I know you’re going to Lux Aurea.
And I’m coming with you."
Claudia, please!
Take my hand!
Dad! No!
You look like you’re ready to go somewhere.
Of course I knew.
I may be queen, but even I don’t have the power to stop those two
once they’ve set their mind to something.
If they insist on going into Lux Aurea,
I’ll feel better knowing you are at their side.
You know I wish I could go out with you.
Ride out to a fight without thinking twice.
things are different now that I’m Queen.
And my dreams, Amaya.
I’ve dreamed of a Startouch elf.
If my dreams are a warning, and this threat is real...
then my people will look to their Queen for strength and protection.
To me.
But the worst of it all...
this means our wedding will have to wait.
For now.
Banishment wasn’t enough, was it?
Now my sister wants to send an assassin to finish me?
I am no assassin.
I am the high priest of Lux Aurea.
Or at least I was.
Pharos. Could it be you?
No one sent me to follow you.
I wish to follow you.
You are our only hope, Prince Karim of Lux Aurea.
Lead us back to glory.
Dad! Dad, where are you!
Hold tight and keep calm.
I’ll do anything for our family, Dad.
Whatever it takes. However dangerous, however vile.
He’s not breathing!
Don’t die, Dad. You can’t die again!
You’re bringing... books?
You do know we’re going to a library, right?
I borrowed these two years ago.
They’re terribly overdue.
Uh, I can explain! It’s not what it looks like.
What can you explain? It’s exactly what it looks like.
"Don’t worry, she knows. We talked about it."
I see your Aunt’s spirit in you,
so of course you’re going to hurl yourself head first into danger.
I brought you something.
To keep you safe in Lux Aurea.
If I cannot go with you, let me be by your side in spirit.
"Crimson orchids."
I finally chose.
Keep each other safe.
Come back! Come back!
You have to come back!
We meet again.
Only this time, here I am on the other side.
The path of fate is already chosen.
Every step I took, I took because I had to.
And this is where it leads me?
The path of fate is...
already chosen.
No. That can’t be true.
No matter where you are on the path, no matter what you’ve done before...
every step forward is a choice.
I am free.
And so are you.
Dad! Dad!
You’re alive!